TMJ and Bruxism Treatment

You Don't Have to Live with Chronic Pain
Our experienced team will work with you to find solutions, so you don't have to live with the pain of TMJ/TMD.
We Want You to Enjoy a Comfortable Smile
TMJ & Bruxism Treatment in Ramsgate, NSW
Do you wake up in the morning with headaches, sore jaw muscles or neck pain? Do you have difficulty opening and closing your mouth because of jaw pain? If your answer to either of these questions is yes, and this is impacting your daily life, you might have temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). . The TMJ is the joint where the jaw connects to the skull and enables you to open and close your mouth so you can chew, speak and eat. Just like any other joint in the body, it can become inflamed and painful. If the bite is off or if the jaw is malpositioned, this can lead to chronic joint pain. Dr Robert Ayar can talk to you about possible solutions that can help eliminate the symptoms of TMD so you can be comfortable again. We invite you to contact our Ramsgate, NSW dental clinic to find out more about how you can get relief from this painful condition.
What Causes TMJ Disorders?
People tend to use the term ‘TMJ’ to describe all symptoms and disorders involving this joint, but the condition itself is more correctly referred to as TMD. Often a misaligned bite is the underlying cause of pain in the jaw joint, but other causes, including stress, tension and teeth grinding (bruxism) are often at the root of the condition.
What Are the Symptoms of TMD?
The symptoms of this disorder are different, depending on the patient. Some of the more common symptoms include:
  • Clenching and grinding of teeth
  • Clicking or popping sounds when opening and closing the mouth
  • Earaches or ringing in the ears
  • Loss of hearing
  • Limited jaw movement
  • Difficulty chewing, yawning or opening the jaw widely
  • Headaches or migraines with occasional nausea
  • Stuck or locked jaw
  • Toothache
Treatment for TMJ/TMD in Ramsgate, NSW
People who have TMJ/TMD can have a wide variety of symptoms, so it isn’t always easy to come up with a solution. Dr Ayar can talk to you about options to successfully treat the painful effects of TMD in your situation. His goal with treatment is to help you live your life comfortably again by decreasing pain and improving mobility and jaw function. He will conduct an evaluation and recommend the least invasive therapy available. People who have TMJ/TMD can have a wide variety of symptoms, so it isn’t always easy to come up with a solution. Dr Ayar can talk to you about options to successfully treat the painful effects of TMD in your situation. His goal with treatment is to help you live your life comfortably again by decreasing pain and improving mobility and jaw function. He will conduct an evaluation and recommend the least invasive therapy available.
Contact Our Ramsgate Dental Practice to Relieve Jaw Pain
Living with the painful symptoms of TMJ/TMD can negatively impact all aspects of your life. We welcome your call Ayar Dental at (02) 9529 5278 to schedule an evaluation with our dentists in Ramsagte.
We Have Room in Our Schedule for New Patients
How do you treat TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ or TMD, is a condition that affects the movement and function of the jaw joints. This condition can be very painful to many patients and often requires treatment to alleviate the symptoms. At Ayar Dental, we offer conservative TMJ treatment in Ramsgate.


Common TMJ Symptoms

Many things can cause TMJ, including a misaligned jaw, stress, tension, certain autoimmune disorders and more.

Common symptoms associated with TMJ include:

  • Lockjaw
  • Difficulty opening and closing the mouth
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Pain in the jaw joints
  • Clicking or popping of the jaws
  • Clenching and grinding teeth (bruxism)
  • Migraines
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Tooth pain or sensitivity


Effective and Gentle TMJ Treatment in Ramsgate

Ramsgate dentist Dr. Robert Ayar and our team want to help alleviate your TMJ pain and improve the mobility and function of your smile. After conducting a thorough evaluation, Dr Ayar will recommend the appropriate therapy option for you.

If bruxism is the origin of your TMJ issues, Dr. Robert Ayar may recommend that you wear a custom-fit nightguard or splint while sleeping. These appliances help minimise the damage of teeth grinding and clenching and readjust a person’s resting bite.

If you struggle with TMJ pain, we invite you to contact Ayar Dental on (02) 9529 5278 to schedule an examination with one of our dentists.

We look forward to helping you attain a more comfortable smile.